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Артикул: 409547
ПроизводительJL Audio
4 199.99
4 199.99

MAX Audio Measurement System

MAX is a professional-grade, dual FFT measurement system with five microphones. It is ideal for general audio system measurements, system tuning with DSP, troubleshooting and testing equipment, and solving OEM integration challenges. MAX™ has many applications in home audio, car audio, marine audio and professional audio.

With full integration of VXi and MVi DSP controls, MAX simplifies your measurement setup, allowing you to perform measurements and DSP adjustments with one computer and one software application: TüN® 4.0, which offers micro-automations that speed up equalization and channel delay setting.

What can you do with MAX?

- Test, troubleshoot and analyze any audio system with full detail on the three dimensions of audio: level, frequency and time… all in real time!
- Streamline the tuning of car audio DSP products in real-world shop environments. Simply connect the hardware, place the microphone array, launch TüN® software and go!
- Quickly test room modes for home audio and home theater subwoofer placements, and accurately adjust crossover and phase controls for a seamless transition to the subwoofer.
- Evaluate individual or multiple audio zones in a marine installation for frequency response and level.
- Get the best measurements possible with 5-microphone averaging! MAX™ multiplexes up to five included microphones to conduct single FFT measurements of level and frequency response (RTA and spectrograph).
- Conduct Dual FFT measurements of up to five simultaneous transfer functions with precise displays of magnitude (frequency response), phase, impulse response (delay) and coherence (noise immunity).
- Each transfer function captures all the audio data for real-time or comparative analysis.
- Built-in Test Signal Generator (pink and white noise, sine waves, square waves, etc.), plus WAV file playback capability.

Powerful Automations with VXi and MVi amplifiers:

- Automatic True Delay feature sets VXi/MVi channel delays in a flash, far more accurately than any other method.
- Autoset EQ feature sets the VXi/MVi parametric EQ’s to your selected target, in seconds. You can also overlay VXi/MVi equalizer controls over the frequency response display to perform precise, manual EQ adjustments with real time visual feedback.

AX is Incredibly Flexible and Accurate!

- MAX™ measurement accuracy is on par with professional test equipment that sells for tens of thousands of dollars.
- Wide Range of Inputs (up to five microphones, high-level analog signals up to 80V, low-level analog signals up to 7V, optical digital S/PDIF signals)
- Multiple Signal Outputs (built-in DAC feeding analog line level outputs and headphone outputs, plus optical digital output)
 A built-in USB Hub simplifies connection to computer and DSP amplifiers, or other USB devices (not intended for charging devices).

What is in the Kit?

- The MAX-KIT includes the MAX™ hardware interface, five measurement microphones, a multi-mic fixture, mounting accessories, cables and power supplies, all packed in a locking, waterproof hard case.
- An optional, specialized probe kit for speaker impedance and high-voltage electrical measurements is available separately: “MAX-PROBE KIT” (90922)

What else will you need:

- A PC (Windows 10), or Mac (OS 11 Big Sur or newer)
- Our free TüN® 4 software.
- A mic stand or tripod to support the multi-mic holder.

Общие характеристики

Производитель JL Audio


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MAX Audio Measurement System

MAX is a professional-grade, dual FFT measurement system with five microphones. It is ideal for general audio system measurements, system tuning with DSP, troubleshooting and testing equipment, and solving OEM integration challenges. MAX™ has many applications in home audio, car audio, marine audio and professional audio.

With full integration of VXi and MVi DSP controls, MAX simplifies your measurement setup, allowing you to perform measurements and DSP adjustments with one computer and one software application: TüN® 4.0, which offers micro-automations that speed up equalization and channel delay setting.

What can you do with MAX?

- Test, troubleshoot and analyze any audio system with full detail on the three dimensions of audio: level, frequency and time… all in real time!
- Streamline the tuning of car audio DSP products in real-world shop environments. Simply connect the hardware, place the microphone array, launch TüN® software and go!
- Quickly test room modes for home audio and home theater subwoofer placements, and accurately adjust crossover and phase controls for a seamless transition to the subwoofer.
- Evaluate individual or multiple audio zones in a marine installation for frequency response and level.
- Get the best measurements possible with 5-microphone averaging! MAX™ multiplexes up to five included microphones to conduct single FFT measurements of level and frequency response (RTA and spectrograph).
- Conduct Dual FFT measurements of up to five simultaneous transfer functions with precise displays of magnitude (frequency response), phase, impulse response (delay) and coherence (noise immunity).
- Each transfer function captures all the audio data for real-time or comparative analysis.
- Built-in Test Signal Generator (pink and white noise, sine waves, square waves, etc.), plus WAV file playback capability.

Powerful Automations with VXi and MVi amplifiers:

- Automatic True Delay feature sets VXi/MVi channel delays in a flash, far more accurately than any other method.
- Autoset EQ feature sets the VXi/MVi parametric EQ’s to your selected target, in seconds. You can also overlay VXi/MVi equalizer controls over the frequency response display to perform precise, manual EQ adjustments with real time visual feedback.

AX is Incredibly Flexible and Accurate!

- MAX™ measurement accuracy is on par with professional test equipment that sells for tens of thousands of dollars.
- Wide Range of Inputs (up to five microphones, high-level analog signals up to 80V, low-level analog signals up to 7V, optical digital S/PDIF signals)
- Multiple Signal Outputs (built-in DAC feeding analog line level outputs and headphone outputs, plus optical digital output)
 A built-in USB Hub simplifies connection to computer and DSP amplifiers, or other USB devices (not intended for charging devices).

What is in the Kit?

- The MAX-KIT includes the MAX™ hardware interface, five measurement microphones, a multi-mic fixture, mounting accessories, cables and power supplies, all packed in a locking, waterproof hard case.
- An optional, specialized probe kit for speaker impedance and high-voltage electrical measurements is available separately: “MAX-PROBE KIT” (90922)

What else will you need:

- A PC (Windows 10), or Mac (OS 11 Big Sur or newer)
- Our free TüN® 4 software.
- A mic stand or tripod to support the multi-mic holder.

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