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Vu+ Ultimo 4K
Artículo: 166476
  • zeroThe Ultimate UHD PVR
  • Born with 4K, sheer view UltimateThe ultimate UHD PVR Vu+ SOLO 4K is now come to lead to have 4K Ultra HD channels, it would be definitely a leader of the UHD future generation. As Vu+ used to give you valuable quality of view, Vu+ SOLO 4K brings you to have pleasant Ultra HD channels at home.
  • Brings you to have a more realistic and natural images with SOLO 4K HDRHDR(High Definition Range) is that expands the range of both contrast and color significantly on the TV screen to create a much more vivid details both in highlighting objects and shadows. It offers a wider color palette and the blacks are deeper and whites are brighter. With SOLO 4K HDR, you would have TV pictures and videos which are more like what you seen in real life.
  • Utmost speed and new powerful ARM processor with 1.5MHz Dual Core CPUVu+ SOLO 4K has the utmost channel zapping speed so your screen will be changed when you blink. You would even experience this lightning speed on changing its menu and it is super-fast receiver you ever experienced.
  • Earnest chosen built-in Dual FBC Tuner systemVu+ team has been working with careful thought about choosing the right solution for the valuable users of Vu+ which could make the cutting-edge technology of Dual FBC(Full Band Capture) Tuner enables you to enjoy with variety channels up to 8 satellite signals. Nobody can deny that Vu+ SOLO 4K has more than enough to gratify your desire to have more choices.
  • Built for extraordinary Mini TVThe front 3.5” LCD shows vivid streaming videos while you are watching TV as Mini TV. It also keeps the additional interesting information features with using various plug-ins as you enjoyed with Duo2.
  • Additional Pluggable Tuner slot brings you keep expanding your favorite channels.As Vu+ has been kept the upper standard, SOLO 4K has an additional pluggable tuner system with the availability of using Dual DVB-S2/C/T2 tuner and surely Single DVB-S2/C/T2 as well.You will never have any short of tuners with SOLO 4K.
  • Having fully wanted H/W feature without regretVu+ SOLO 4K has 2GB RAM and 4GB NAND Flash Memory, built in Wi-Fi connects to the Internet easily, Gigabit Ethernet integrate and support USB 3.0.We thank to this powerful H/W to make Vu+ SOLO 4K an extremely speedy and stable receiver ever shown.
  • The easiest way of
    Detachable HDD
    You could just put your own 2.5” HDD into the provided HDD bracket and put into the HDD slot on SOLO 4K.This the simplest way is the way to enjoy your own content with SOLO 4K.

Parametros generales

Brand VU+


Gross weight (kg) Gross weight (kg):
Параметр вес учитывается при расчёте доставки


Warranty 2 years

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  • zeroThe Ultimate UHD PVR
  • Born with 4K, sheer view UltimateThe ultimate UHD PVR Vu+ SOLO 4K is now come to lead to have 4K Ultra HD channels, it would be definitely a leader of the UHD future generation. As Vu+ used to give you valuable quality of view, Vu+ SOLO 4K brings you to have pleasant Ultra HD channels at home.
  • Brings you to have a more realistic and natural images with SOLO 4K HDRHDR(High Definition Range) is that expands the range of both contrast and color significantly on the TV screen to create a much more vivid details both in highlighting objects and shadows. It offers a wider color palette and the blacks are deeper and whites are brighter. With SOLO 4K HDR, you would have TV pictures and videos which are more like what you seen in real life.
  • Utmost speed and new powerful ARM processor with 1.5MHz Dual Core CPUVu+ SOLO 4K has the utmost channel zapping speed so your screen will be changed when you blink. You would even experience this lightning speed on changing its menu and it is super-fast receiver you ever experienced.
  • Earnest chosen built-in Dual FBC Tuner systemVu+ team has been working with careful thought about choosing the right solution for the valuable users of Vu+ which could make the cutting-edge technology of Dual FBC(Full Band Capture) Tuner enables you to enjoy with variety channels up to 8 satellite signals. Nobody can deny that Vu+ SOLO 4K has more than enough to gratify your desire to have more choices.
  • Built for extraordinary Mini TVThe front 3.5” LCD shows vivid streaming videos while you are watching TV as Mini TV. It also keeps the additional interesting information features with using various plug-ins as you enjoyed with Duo2.
  • Additional Pluggable Tuner slot brings you keep expanding your favorite channels.As Vu+ has been kept the upper standard, SOLO 4K has an additional pluggable tuner system with the availability of using Dual DVB-S2/C/T2 tuner and surely Single DVB-S2/C/T2 as well.You will never have any short of tuners with SOLO 4K.
  • Having fully wanted H/W feature without regretVu+ SOLO 4K has 2GB RAM and 4GB NAND Flash Memory, built in Wi-Fi connects to the Internet easily, Gigabit Ethernet integrate and support USB 3.0.We thank to this powerful H/W to make Vu+ SOLO 4K an extremely speedy and stable receiver ever shown.
  • The easiest way of
    Detachable HDD
    You could just put your own 2.5” HDD into the provided HDD bracket and put into the HDD slot on SOLO 4K.This the simplest way is the way to enjoy your own content with SOLO 4K.
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