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LAUNCH CRP129 EVO Diagnostic device
Artículo: 322901

The Launch Creader CRP129 EVO Professional Diagnostic Device is an economical and powerful device that supports all 10 OBD-II modes.

Based on CRP129, the CRP129 EVO has a larger 5-inch touch screen, two more recovery functions, Auto-VIN technology, and an automatic inspection report for faster and more accurate auto-diagnostic work.

The EVO diagnostic scanner supports engine, transmission, ABS and SRS diagnostics, reading / deleting diagnostic trouble codes and displaying direct data flow.

The CRP 129 EVO has 7 SPECIAL FEATURES, including oil recovery, EPB / SAS / DPF service, throttle adjustment and nozzle programming.

The CRP 129 EVO car scanner supports all OBD-II function modes: I / M status, direct data streams, MIL off, and more. Works great with most vehicles since 1996.

LAUNCH CRP129 EVO is an improved version of the diagnostic device CRP129, which is supplemented by:

Larger 5 ”720p IPS touch screen
Three additional special features
Wi-Fi installation
Direct software updates
Wi-Fi printing is enabled
Diagnostic feedback function
Supports automatic VIN recognition
Built-in 4000mAh Li battery
Protective carrying case
Four primary system diagnostic tests:
Engine system. All fault codes and data related to the engine's electronic controls
Transmission: All fault codes and data for automatic transmissions, semi-automatic transmissions, including direct shift (DSG / DCT) and manual transmissions
ABS system: all fault codes and data related to the anti-lock braking system components
SRS system: all failures and data related to safety systems

LAUNCH CRP 129 EVO special service functions:

Oil bulb / service maintenance reset
Steering angle sensor reset
Electric parking brake reset
Throttle adjustment
Battery management system recovery
DPF reconstruction
Nozzle programming

Supports AutoVIN technology:

The CRP129 EVO supports Auto-VIN technology, which means it will automatically scan and save the customer's or your car's VIN number with a single click. It instantly identifies the car, so you don’t have to enter your car’s year, make, engine, and so on.
This will allow you to automatically identify the vehicle and perform a quick scan so that you can easily read and obtain the associated diagnostic trouble codes.
Quickly debug the right software to improve diagnostic capabilities and resolve compatibility issues. AutoVIN Search plays an important role in choosing the right software for your upgrade.

Automatic inspection report:

If you do not understand the specific problem, the LAUNCH CRP129 EVO allows you to save the inspection report and transfer the report to the Cloud Server or even print the data via a computer.
The inspection report consists of two parts - vehicle information - year, make, model, VIN, engine volume, odometer, vehicle software version, diagnostic program version, diagnostic work.

Technical specifications:

Android 7 operating system
5 - inch IPS touch screen
4000 mAh lithium battery
Touch and keyboard sensors
Wired OBD-II communication
Languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean,
Charges via 5V cable or diagnostic connector
Dimensions: 228 mm x 125 mm x 34.5 mm
Weight: 570 grams

Parametros generales

Fabricante LAUNCH


Gross weight (kg) Gross weight (kg):
Параметр вес учитывается при расчёте доставки


Warranty 2 years

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The Launch Creader CRP129 EVO Professional Diagnostic Device is an economical and powerful device that supports all 10 OBD-II modes.

Based on CRP129, the CRP129 EVO has a larger 5-inch touch screen, two more recovery functions, Auto-VIN technology, and an automatic inspection report for faster and more accurate auto-diagnostic work.

The EVO diagnostic scanner supports engine, transmission, ABS and SRS diagnostics, reading / deleting diagnostic trouble codes and displaying direct data flow.

The CRP 129 EVO has 7 SPECIAL FEATURES, including oil recovery, EPB / SAS / DPF service, throttle adjustment and nozzle programming.

The CRP 129 EVO car scanner supports all OBD-II function modes: I / M status, direct data streams, MIL off, and more. Works great with most vehicles since 1996.

LAUNCH CRP129 EVO is an improved version of the diagnostic device CRP129, which is supplemented by:

Larger 5 ”720p IPS touch screen
Three additional special features
Wi-Fi installation
Direct software updates
Wi-Fi printing is enabled
Diagnostic feedback function
Supports automatic VIN recognition
Built-in 4000mAh Li battery
Protective carrying case
Four primary system diagnostic tests:
Engine system. All fault codes and data related to the engine's electronic controls
Transmission: All fault codes and data for automatic transmissions, semi-automatic transmissions, including direct shift (DSG / DCT) and manual transmissions
ABS system: all fault codes and data related to the anti-lock braking system components
SRS system: all failures and data related to safety systems

LAUNCH CRP 129 EVO special service functions:

Oil bulb / service maintenance reset
Steering angle sensor reset
Electric parking brake reset
Throttle adjustment
Battery management system recovery
DPF reconstruction
Nozzle programming

Supports AutoVIN technology:

The CRP129 EVO supports Auto-VIN technology, which means it will automatically scan and save the customer's or your car's VIN number with a single click. It instantly identifies the car, so you don’t have to enter your car’s year, make, engine, and so on.
This will allow you to automatically identify the vehicle and perform a quick scan so that you can easily read and obtain the associated diagnostic trouble codes.
Quickly debug the right software to improve diagnostic capabilities and resolve compatibility issues. AutoVIN Search plays an important role in choosing the right software for your upgrade.

Automatic inspection report:

If you do not understand the specific problem, the LAUNCH CRP129 EVO allows you to save the inspection report and transfer the report to the Cloud Server or even print the data via a computer.
The inspection report consists of two parts - vehicle information - year, make, model, VIN, engine volume, odometer, vehicle software version, diagnostic program version, diagnostic work.

Technical specifications:

Android 7 operating system
5 - inch IPS touch screen
4000 mAh lithium battery
Touch and keyboard sensors
Wired OBD-II communication
Languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean,
Charges via 5V cable or diagnostic connector
Dimensions: 228 mm x 125 mm x 34.5 mm
Weight: 570 grams

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