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Boson Biotech Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card Self-Test 1x pack
Artículo: 174880
MarcaXiamen Boson Biotech
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Rapid test for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. The self-examination test received the CE marking approved by the notified institution on April 1, 2021. Ø SARS-CoV-2 antibody test, which can be performed at home with a nasal swab within 7 days of the onset of symptoms. Specimen type: nasal swab. Time to get results: 15-20 min. Sensitivity: 96.77%. Specificity: 99.20%. Accuracy: 98.72%. Layer statistics studies: 99.10% of non-professionals performed the test without assistance, 97.87% of the various results were interpreted correctly.
1 text/kit Part Number: IN40CS-6 Kit Contents: 1 Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Test Card (sealed in foil pouch), 1 Sterile Q-tip, 1 Extraction Tube, 1 Sample Extraction Buffer, IFU, Holder tubes on the back of the box.
• Unscrew the cap of the sample extraction buffer vial. Caution: Open it away from your face and be careful not to spill any liquid. • Squeeze all extraction buffers from the vial into the extraction tube. Attention: do not let the vial come into contact with the tube. • Check where the cotton bud has the soft end. Open the cotton swab package and carefully remove it. Caution: Do not touch the soft end of the Q-tip with your hands for a second. • Gently insert a cotton swab into one nostril. The swab head must be inserted into the nostril to a depth of at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) from the edge of the nostril. Turn the wand 3-4 times, touching the nasal mucosa. Hold the cotton swab in your nostril for a couple of seconds. Using the same Q-tip, repeat the process in the second nostril. Remove the cotton swab from the nasal cavity. Warning: This may cause discomfort. Do not try to insert the wand deeper if you feel strong resistance or pain. • Place a cotton swab in the extraction tube. Rotate the swab three to five (3-5) times. Leave the cotton swab in the extraction buffer for 1 minute. • Squeeze the extraction tube with your fingers and try to squeeze as much liquid out of the cotton swab as possible. • Close the cap tightly on the sample extraction tube. • Warm the kit components to room temperature before testing. Open the package and take out the test card. Lay the card on a smooth surface. Caution: Once opened, the test card should be used immediately. • Invert the extraction tube and insert it into the test well (S), then add 3 drops to the test sample, gently squeezing the extraction tube. Attention: no air bubbles must form in the test cavity (S). • The test result will be ready in 15-20 minutes. Attention: the result obtained after more than 20 minutes may be inaccurate.

Parametros generales

Marca Xiamen Boson Biotech


Gross weight (kg) Gross weight (kg):
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Warranty 2 years

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Rapid test for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. The self-examination test received the CE marking approved by the notified institution on April 1, 2021. Ø SARS-CoV-2 antibody test, which can be performed at home with a nasal swab within 7 days of the onset of symptoms. Specimen type: nasal swab. Time to get results: 15-20 min. Sensitivity: 96.77%. Specificity: 99.20%. Accuracy: 98.72%. Layer statistics studies: 99.10% of non-professionals performed the test without assistance, 97.87% of the various results were interpreted correctly.
1 text/kit Part Number: IN40CS-6 Kit Contents: 1 Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Test Card (sealed in foil pouch), 1 Sterile Q-tip, 1 Extraction Tube, 1 Sample Extraction Buffer, IFU, Holder tubes on the back of the box.
• Unscrew the cap of the sample extraction buffer vial. Caution: Open it away from your face and be careful not to spill any liquid. • Squeeze all extraction buffers from the vial into the extraction tube. Attention: do not let the vial come into contact with the tube. • Check where the cotton bud has the soft end. Open the cotton swab package and carefully remove it. Caution: Do not touch the soft end of the Q-tip with your hands for a second. • Gently insert a cotton swab into one nostril. The swab head must be inserted into the nostril to a depth of at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) from the edge of the nostril. Turn the wand 3-4 times, touching the nasal mucosa. Hold the cotton swab in your nostril for a couple of seconds. Using the same Q-tip, repeat the process in the second nostril. Remove the cotton swab from the nasal cavity. Warning: This may cause discomfort. Do not try to insert the wand deeper if you feel strong resistance or pain. • Place a cotton swab in the extraction tube. Rotate the swab three to five (3-5) times. Leave the cotton swab in the extraction buffer for 1 minute. • Squeeze the extraction tube with your fingers and try to squeeze as much liquid out of the cotton swab as possible. • Close the cap tightly on the sample extraction tube. • Warm the kit components to room temperature before testing. Open the package and take out the test card. Lay the card on a smooth surface. Caution: Once opened, the test card should be used immediately. • Invert the extraction tube and insert it into the test well (S), then add 3 drops to the test sample, gently squeezing the extraction tube. Attention: no air bubbles must form in the test cavity (S). • The test result will be ready in 15-20 minutes. Attention: the result obtained after more than 20 minutes may be inaccurate.
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