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Palyginkite produktą
Bilaro Garlando Miami 7 MIAMI-G
Prekės Nr.: 482548
1 145.00
1 145.00

A standard-sized 7-foot pool table with a modern and elegant look is available in three colors: birch, gray oak and wenge (dark walnut).

Miami is a technically precise pool table suitable for players of all levels. It can be easily transformed into a dining table thanks to the tabletop panels included.

Model: Miami 7
Playground: 200 x 100  cm
External dimensions: 225 x 125  cm
Height: 79 cm
Weight: 135 kg

Technical parameters:

The sturdy body is made of 22 mm thick plywood. Available in wood-colored finishes: birch, gray oak or wenge.
The legs are 96 x 96 mm in size, made of 18 mm thick MDF with a wood imitation finish that matches the color of the table - birch, gray oak or wenge. The legs have adjustable feet that allow you to level the table even on uneven surfaces.
The table top panels  (two pieces) are made of 15 mm thick MDF and have the same finish as the table.
The playground  is made of 19 mm thick MDF, covered with high-quality fabric: classic green for the birch and wenge versions, black for the gray oak version.
The table sides have K-66 type triangular profile rubber edges, which ensure accurate ball bounce.
The balls fall through standard pool pockets into baskets made of elastic material.


A set of standard pool balls.
2 sticks (144 cm long).
Mahogany triangle.
12 pieces of chalk.
A brush for cleaning the table

Gamintojas Garlando
Bendrasis svoris (kg) 143


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A standard-sized 7-foot pool table with a modern and elegant look is available in three colors: birch, gray oak and wenge (dark walnut).

Miami is a technically precise pool table suitable for players of all levels. It can be easily transformed into a dining table thanks to the tabletop panels included.

Model: Miami 7
Playground: 200 x 100  cm
External dimensions: 225 x 125  cm
Height: 79 cm
Weight: 135 kg

Technical parameters:

The sturdy body is made of 22 mm thick plywood. Available in wood-colored finishes: birch, gray oak or wenge.
The legs are 96 x 96 mm in size, made of 18 mm thick MDF with a wood imitation finish that matches the color of the table - birch, gray oak or wenge. The legs have adjustable feet that allow you to level the table even on uneven surfaces.
The table top panels  (two pieces) are made of 15 mm thick MDF and have the same finish as the table.
The playground  is made of 19 mm thick MDF, covered with high-quality fabric: classic green for the birch and wenge versions, black for the gray oak version.
The table sides have K-66 type triangular profile rubber edges, which ensure accurate ball bounce.
The balls fall through standard pool pockets into baskets made of elastic material.


A set of standard pool balls.
2 sticks (144 cm long).
Mahogany triangle.
12 pieces of chalk.
A brush for cleaning the table

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