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AUTEL smart electricity meter, three-phase
Artikuls: 324853

Autel Smart Meter 3F AC is a universal electricity meter that is suitable for single-phase or three-phase electricity networks. The meter is adapted to withstand electric current up to 100 A and is easily mounted on standard DIN rails. Simple and intuitive control, equipped with remote data reading.

Technical data:
Nominal voltage: 3 x 230 / 400 V / AC
Operating voltage: 60% ~ 120% Un
AC withstand voltage: 4 kV for 1 min
Impulse voltage resistance: 6 kV - 1.2 ms
Rated current: 5 A or 333 mV input
Operating current range: 0.4% of maximum voltage
Operating frequency range: 50 or 60 Hz
Power consumption per phase: ≤ 2 W / 10 VA
Pulse output 1: Configurable
2 pulse output: 3200 imp/kWh
Screen: LCD
Maximum value: 9999999.9 kWh / kVArh


Autel Smart Meter 3F AC is a universal electricity meter that is suitable for single-phase or three-phase electricity networks. The meter is adapted to withstand electric current up to 100 A and is easily mounted on standard DIN rails. Simple and intuitive control, equipped with remote data reading.

Technical data:
Nominal voltage: 3 x 230 / 400 V / AC
Operating voltage: 60% ~ 120% Un
AC withstand voltage: 4 kV for 1 min
Impulse voltage resistance: 6 kV - 1.2 ms
Rated current: 5 A or 333 mV input
Operating current range: 0.4% of maximum voltage
Operating frequency range: 50 or 60 Hz
Power consumption per phase: ≤ 2 W / 10 VA
Pulse output 1: Configurable
2 pulse output: 3200 imp/kWh
Screen: LCD
Maximum value: 9999999.9 kWh / kVArh

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