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Apple AirPods (2nd generation) with Charging Case MV7N2ZM/A
Artikuls: 141521
TipsAusīs ieliekamas ar mikrofonu
Savienojuma veidsBezvadu
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Apple AirPods - Wireless Bluetooth Earphones with Charging Case

apple airpods wired charging case

AUDIO ENGINEERING MORE MAGICAL THAN EVERExperience the most modern and ergonomic technology when it comes to audio tools. The new and improved Apple Airpods offer more talk time, voice-activated Siri access, and come with a useful charging case for whenever you need an extra boost. Simply take the AirPods out and they're ready to connect with all your devices, and when placed in your ears you're immediately immersed in high-quality sound. These game-changing headphones can detect when they are in your ears to maximize your experience, using an all-new H1 headphone chip to give you faster and more efficient performance. AirPods know when you're listening and when you're talking so they can adapt to your every need, and they offer a five-hour listening time on a full charge, or a twenty-four hour battery life with the charging case. Easily set them up on any device and discover cutting-edge audio results.



Improved Performance Provides Unmatched Sound

h1 headphone chip

ALL-NEW APPLE H1 HEADPHONE CHIPThe Apple AirPods are powered by the all-new Apple H1 headphone chip, which allows AirPods to provide a faster and more stable connection to all of your devices. They work 2x faster when switching between active devices, and a 1.5x increase when connecting to phone calls. This intuitive H1 chip also drives voice-enabled Siri access and delivers up to 30 percent lower gaming latency. Whether you're listening to music, playing games, or any other tasks, you'll always experience higher-quality, crisp audio.



Knows When You're Listening

sound sensors

INNOVATIVE SENSORS FOR AUDIOOptical sensors and motion accelerometers work together to automatically control your audio experience, engaging the microphones for calls and Siri access, and enabling AirPods to play sound as soon as they're in your ears.



Knows When You're Talking

voice detection

MADE FOR YOUR VOICEAn integrated, speech-detecting accelerometer instantly recognizes when you're speaking and works with a pair of beamforming microphones to filter out other noise to focus purely on your voice.



Access Siri Features Without Using your Phone

JUST ASK SIRITalking to and asking your favourite personal assistant for help has never been easier. Simply say "Hey Siri" and your AirPods will detect your voice, then you can ask for assistance without having to reach for your iPhone.

siri calls
siri calls

call Dad.

siri music mix

MUSICHey Siri, play my
chill mix.

volume control siri

VOLUME CONTROLHey Siri, turn up
the volume.

siri directions

DIRECTIONSHey Siri, how do I get
to the zoo?



Enjoy Instant Setup for Easy Listening

device connection

CONNECT AND SWITCH BETWEEN DEVICESYour AirPods can effortlessly connect to your iPhone or Apple Watch, and the audio you're listening to switches seamlessly between your devices. Want to listen to your Mac or iPad? Just select AirPods on those devices for super-easy setup with magical results.



Discover the Power of a 24-Hour Battery Life

VERSATILE CHARGING OPTIONS TO KEEP YOU GOINGAirPods can deliver an industry-leading five hours of listening time, and up to three hours of talk time all in one charge. They're made to keep up with you and any task you need to complete, thanks to a quick charging case so you can charge your AirPods again and again for continuous use throughout the day. Just put the AirPods in the charging case for fifteen minutes to get up to three hours of listening time and two hours of talk time. To check the battery, hold the AirPods next to your iPhone or you can ask Siri "How's the battery on my AirPods?"

battery life

of battery life using a charging case.

one charge

of listening on one charge.


charging for three hours of listening.

Kopējie parametri

Ražotājs Apple
Tips Ausīs ieliekamas ar mikrofonu
Savienojuma veids Bezvadu


Bezvada savienojuma tips Bluetooth
Bezvada austiņu uzlādes veids Uzlādes kārbiņa
Uzlādes kārbiņas savienojums Lightning


Bruto svars (kg) Bruto svars (kg):
No preces svara ir atkarīga piegādes cena.


Garantija Garantija:
Juridiskām personām garantija 1 gads! Ja nav norādīts mazāk
2 gadi

Kā apmaksāt pirkumu?: 

Fiziskas personas:

1. Apmaksas nosacījumi maksājumiem skaidrā naudā

Skaidrā naudā iespējams veikt maksājumu gan saņemot preci mūsu veikalā, gan norādītajā piegādes adresē (ja izvēlēta piegāde ar bm.lv kurjeru)


2. Apmaksa ar interneta banku vai apmaksājot rēķinu bankā

Rūpīgi aizpildi visus pirkuma noformēšanai prasītos datus un sistēma pēc šiem datiem automātiski sastādīs rēķinu. Rēķins pieejams tūlītējai izdrukāšanai kā arī tiks nosūtīts uz pasūtījumā norādīto e-pastu. Lūdzam, veicot apmaksu, norādīt rēķina numuru. Preces piegāde tiks veikta tikai pēc pilnas rēķina summas ienākšanas bankas kontā. Preces saņemšanas brīdī Jums būs jāparaksta preču pavadzīme, kas ir pirkuma apmaksas apstiprinājums. 

3. Līzings

Pasūtījuma veikšanas brīdī izvēlies pirmās iemaksas lielumu un nomaksas termiņu, kā arī aizpildi līzinga pieteikuma formu. BM.lv darbinieki šos datus ievadīs Līzinga kompānijas sistēmā. Aptuveni stundas laikā (darba dienās), līzinga kompānija dos savu atbildi, tiks sagatavots līzinga līgums, kuru preces piegādes brīdī būs nepieciešams parakstīt. Attiecībā uz iesniedzamajiem dokumentiem, parasti līzinga kompānija pieprasa tikai pases kopiju, kuru, saņemot preci, jāatdot kurjeram. 


4. Kredītkarte

Pirms apmaksas pārliecināties par preces pieejamību, jo apmaksa tiks veikta nekavējoties.
Apmaksas brīdī ievadīsiet savas kredītkartes datus.
Menedžeris izsniegs garantijas pirkuma karti kopā ar pirkuma dokumentu, kas kalpo kā pirkuma apmaksas apstiprinājums. 

Juridiskas / pašnodarbinātas personas (apmaksa tikai ar bankas pārskaitījumu):

Sakarā ar to, ka juridiskas / pašnodarbinātas personas preces izmanto profesionālos nolūkos, to nolietojums paaugstinās, tāpēc tiek piemēroti sekojoši nosacījumi

- garantija 1 gads
- apmaksa tikai ar pārskaitījumu


Apmaksa ar interneta banku vai apmaksājot rēķinu bankā - 
Rūpīgi aizpildi visus pirkuma noformēšanai prasītos datus un sistēma pēc šiem datiem automātiski sastādīs rēķinu. Rēķins pieejams tūlītējai izdrukāšanai kā arī tiks nosūtīts uz pasūtījumā norādīto e-pastu. Lūdzam, veicot apmaksu, norādīt rēķina numuru. Preces piegāde tiks veikta tikai pēc pilnas rēķina summas ienākšanas bankas kontā. Preces saņemšanas brīdī Jums būs jāparaksta preču pavadzīme, kas ir pirkuma apmaksas apstiprinājums. 

Juridiskām personām pirms preču iegādes obligāti jāveic pasūtījums mūsu mājaslapā!


Atteikuma tiesības:


- Jums ir tiesības 14 (četrpadsmit) dienu laikā atteikties no šā līguma, neminot iemeslu.

- Atteikuma tiesību izmantošana beigsies pēc 14 dienām, sākot no dienas, kad jūs esat ieguvis vai trešā persona, kas nav pārvadātājs un ko jūs esat norādījis, ir ieguvusi preces valdījumā.

- Lai izmantotu atteikuma tiesības, jums ir jāinformē mūs BM.LV, adrese Krasta iela 89, Rīga, LV-1019, tālruņa numuri: 67296734, 27725222, e-pasta adrese: info@bm.lv  par lēmumu atteikties no šā līguma (interneta vietnē www.bm.lv ievietotās veidlapas par atteikuma tiesību izmantošanu paraugu).

- Atteikuma tiesību izmantošanas termiņā jums ir tiesības preci lietot tiktāl, cik tas nepieciešams preces rakstura, īpašību un darbības pārbaudei. (tikpat lielā mērā,  cik to varētu izdarīt pirms preces iegādes parastajā veikalā, piemēram, portatīvajiem datoriem iepazīties vizuāli ar datora izskatu, izmēru, taču neveicot nekādas manipulācijas, tai skaitā aktivizējot uz datora preinstalētu operētājsistēmu; mobilajiem telefoniem - nenoplēšot aizsargplēves, ieslēgt, neievietojot SIM karti un neveicot zvanus, nesinhronizējot datus utt.)

- Lai atteikuma tiesību termiņš būtu ievērots, pietiek, ja savu paziņojumu par atteikumu tiesību izmantošanu nosūtīsiet pirms atteikuma tiesību termiņa beigām.

- Ja jūs atteiksieties no šā līguma, mēs jums atmaksāsim visus no jums saņemtos maksājumus, tostarp piegādes izmaksas (izņemot papildu izmaksas, kas radušās tādēļ, ka jūs esat izvēlējies piegādes veidu, kas nav mūsu piedāvātais vislētākais standarta piegādes veids), ne vēlāk kā 14 dienu laikā no dienas, kad mēs tikām informēti par jūsu lēmumu atteikties no šā līguma. Jebkurā gadījumā saistībā ar šādu atmaksāšanu no jums netiks iekasēta nekāda maksa.

- Jūs esat atbildīgs par preces kvalitātes un drošuma saglabāšanu atteikuma tiesību realizēšanas termiņā.

- Var tikt ieturēta kompensācija par preces vērtības samazināšanos, ja prece izmantota citā nolūkā, nevis preces rakstura, īpašību un darbības noskaidrošanai, ko apliecina preces ražotāja autorizētajā servisā veiktā diagnostika.

Uzrakstīt atsauksmi

Šeit varat pievienot Jūsu atsauksmi par produktu vai atstāt komentāru. Lai pievienotu komentāru Jums ir jābūt reģistrētam lapā.

Pēc komentāra pievienošanas, tas tiks pārbaudīts un pievienots lapā!



Apple AirPods - Wireless Bluetooth Earphones with Charging Case

apple airpods wired charging case

AUDIO ENGINEERING MORE MAGICAL THAN EVERExperience the most modern and ergonomic technology when it comes to audio tools. The new and improved Apple Airpods offer more talk time, voice-activated Siri access, and come with a useful charging case for whenever you need an extra boost. Simply take the AirPods out and they're ready to connect with all your devices, and when placed in your ears you're immediately immersed in high-quality sound. These game-changing headphones can detect when they are in your ears to maximize your experience, using an all-new H1 headphone chip to give you faster and more efficient performance. AirPods know when you're listening and when you're talking so they can adapt to your every need, and they offer a five-hour listening time on a full charge, or a twenty-four hour battery life with the charging case. Easily set them up on any device and discover cutting-edge audio results.



Improved Performance Provides Unmatched Sound

h1 headphone chip

ALL-NEW APPLE H1 HEADPHONE CHIPThe Apple AirPods are powered by the all-new Apple H1 headphone chip, which allows AirPods to provide a faster and more stable connection to all of your devices. They work 2x faster when switching between active devices, and a 1.5x increase when connecting to phone calls. This intuitive H1 chip also drives voice-enabled Siri access and delivers up to 30 percent lower gaming latency. Whether you're listening to music, playing games, or any other tasks, you'll always experience higher-quality, crisp audio.



Knows When You're Listening

sound sensors

INNOVATIVE SENSORS FOR AUDIOOptical sensors and motion accelerometers work together to automatically control your audio experience, engaging the microphones for calls and Siri access, and enabling AirPods to play sound as soon as they're in your ears.



Knows When You're Talking

voice detection

MADE FOR YOUR VOICEAn integrated, speech-detecting accelerometer instantly recognizes when you're speaking and works with a pair of beamforming microphones to filter out other noise to focus purely on your voice.



Access Siri Features Without Using your Phone

JUST ASK SIRITalking to and asking your favourite personal assistant for help has never been easier. Simply say "Hey Siri" and your AirPods will detect your voice, then you can ask for assistance without having to reach for your iPhone.

siri calls
siri calls

call Dad.

siri music mix

MUSICHey Siri, play my
chill mix.

volume control siri

VOLUME CONTROLHey Siri, turn up
the volume.

siri directions

DIRECTIONSHey Siri, how do I get
to the zoo?



Enjoy Instant Setup for Easy Listening

device connection

CONNECT AND SWITCH BETWEEN DEVICESYour AirPods can effortlessly connect to your iPhone or Apple Watch, and the audio you're listening to switches seamlessly between your devices. Want to listen to your Mac or iPad? Just select AirPods on those devices for super-easy setup with magical results.



Discover the Power of a 24-Hour Battery Life

VERSATILE CHARGING OPTIONS TO KEEP YOU GOINGAirPods can deliver an industry-leading five hours of listening time, and up to three hours of talk time all in one charge. They're made to keep up with you and any task you need to complete, thanks to a quick charging case so you can charge your AirPods again and again for continuous use throughout the day. Just put the AirPods in the charging case for fifteen minutes to get up to three hours of listening time and two hours of talk time. To check the battery, hold the AirPods next to your iPhone or you can ask Siri "How's the battery on my AirPods?"

battery life

of battery life using a charging case.

one charge

of listening on one charge.


charging for three hours of listening.

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