Solar lauko apšvietimo girlianda - super ryškios Solar kalėdinės lemputės. 120 itin ryškių LED diodų, 2 pakuotės saulės energija maitinamų lempučių su 12,192 m ilgio šviesa ir 1,8288 m ilgio laidu, iš viso 14,0208 m. Pakankamas ilgis, kad tiktų bet kokiai vidaus ir lauko erdvei. Idealiai tinka sodams, verandai, vejai, miegamajam, kiemui, terasai, deniui, prieangiui, gėlių tvorai, vakarėliams, Kalėdoms, Helovinui ir t. t. puošti.
Lanksčios pasakų sodo lemputės, nereikalaujančios jokių įrankių, gali būti lengvai suformuojamos į norimas formas; tiesiog apvyniokite jas aplink medžių kamienus arba pavėsines, terasas, baldus; kai sutemsta, viela tampa nematoma, lieka tik ryškios šviesos. Galima naudoti kaip Kalėdų eglutės lemputes, apvyniojus virvelę ant eglutės.
2 jungikliai (maitinimo įjungimas / išjungimas, režimo keitimas), paspaudus režimo mygtuką pasirenkami 8 skirtingi režimai, kad būtų patenkinti įvairūs jūsų poreikiai. Modernizuota saulės baterija, užtikrinanti efektyvesnį keitimo kursą ir DIDELĘ baterijos talpą, kuri padidėja iki 800MaH, 6-8 valandų įkrovimas dieną gali užtikrinti 8-14 valandų darbo laiką naktį.
Tiek lempučių grandinė, tiek saulės kolektorius yra IP65 atsparūs vandeniui, todėl tinka naudoti tiek patalpose, tiek lauke, nesijaudinkite dėl trumpojo jungimo ar oro sąlygų poveikio. Šios lemputės gali būti įkraunamos dieną ir automatiškai įsijungti sutemus ir išsijungti auštant. Tai labai praktiškos lemputės lauko sodui.
Su 120 aukštos kokybės LED lempučių, gali veikti iki 30 000 valandų, patvirtinta CE.
Gross weight (kg)
Gross weight (kg): Параметр вес учитывается при расчёте доставки |
1 |
You can pay for goods in in the following ways:
Credit card
credit card payment online
Legal entities / Self-employed persons (payment only by transfer):
Bank transfer - Payment is made on the previously received to your e-mail account. Upon receipt of the goods attached invoice and original invoice.
We will send your order by courier. The final cost of your order you will find out at registration.
Procedure for returning goods and cash:
- You have the right to cancel the contract within fourteen (14) days without giving reasons.
- The right to refuse will end after 14 days from the date when you or a third party purchases the goods, with the exception of the carrier and the person you indicated, received the goods in possession.
- In order to use the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (for example, by mail or e-mail) SIA "TehEksperts", address Krasta iela 89, Riga, LV-1019, phone number +442 045770771, email address using the sample.
- In order for the term of the right to refuse to be respected, it is enough if you send your notice of the use of the right to cancel before the end of the term of the right to cancel.
- If you withdraw from the contract, we will refund all payments received from you, in turn transport costs (excluding additional costs that arose as a result of choosing a delivery method), without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 days from the date when we were informed about your decision to withdraw from the contract.
- During the use of the right of withdrawal, you can use the product for as long as necessary to check the product (just as you can do before purchasing the product in a regular store, for example, for laptop computers, familiarize yourself with the appearance of the computer, size, but not manipulations, including activation of a pre-installed operating system, mobile phones - without removing protective films, including without inserting a SIM card and making calls, without synchronizing data, etc.).
- You are responsible for maintaining the quality and safety of the goods during the period of implementation of the right to refuse.
- You must reimburse the costs associated with reducing the cost of the goods, if the goods were used for other purposes, not to familiarize themselves with the features and operation of the goods, which can be confirmed by the diagnosis of the goods in the manufacturer's authorized service center.
Solar lauko apšvietimo girlianda - super ryškios Solar kalėdinės lemputės. 120 itin ryškių LED diodų, 2 pakuotės saulės energija maitinamų lempučių su 12,192 m ilgio šviesa ir 1,8288 m ilgio laidu, iš viso 14,0208 m. Pakankamas ilgis, kad tiktų bet kokiai vidaus ir lauko erdvei. Idealiai tinka sodams, verandai, vejai, miegamajam, kiemui, terasai, deniui, prieangiui, gėlių tvorai, vakarėliams, Kalėdoms, Helovinui ir t. t. puošti.
Lanksčios pasakų sodo lemputės, nereikalaujančios jokių įrankių, gali būti lengvai suformuojamos į norimas formas; tiesiog apvyniokite jas aplink medžių kamienus arba pavėsines, terasas, baldus; kai sutemsta, viela tampa nematoma, lieka tik ryškios šviesos. Galima naudoti kaip Kalėdų eglutės lemputes, apvyniojus virvelę ant eglutės.
2 jungikliai (maitinimo įjungimas / išjungimas, režimo keitimas), paspaudus režimo mygtuką pasirenkami 8 skirtingi režimai, kad būtų patenkinti įvairūs jūsų poreikiai. Modernizuota saulės baterija, užtikrinanti efektyvesnį keitimo kursą ir DIDELĘ baterijos talpą, kuri padidėja iki 800MaH, 6-8 valandų įkrovimas dieną gali užtikrinti 8-14 valandų darbo laiką naktį.
Tiek lempučių grandinė, tiek saulės kolektorius yra IP65 atsparūs vandeniui, todėl tinka naudoti tiek patalpose, tiek lauke, nesijaudinkite dėl trumpojo jungimo ar oro sąlygų poveikio. Šios lemputės gali būti įkraunamos dieną ir automatiškai įsijungti sutemus ir išsijungti auštant. Tai labai praktiškos lemputės lauko sodui.
Su 120 aukštos kokybės LED lempučių, gali veikti iki 30 000 valandų, patvirtinta CE.
Gross weight (kg)
Gross weight (kg): Параметр вес учитывается при расчёте доставки |
1 |
You can pay for goods in in the following ways:
Credit card
credit card payment online
Legal entities / Self-employed persons (payment only by transfer):
Bank transfer - Payment is made on the previously received to your e-mail account. Upon receipt of the goods attached invoice and original invoice.
We will send your order by courier. The final cost of your order you will find out at registration.
Procedure for returning goods and cash:
- You have the right to cancel the contract within fourteen (14) days without giving reasons.
- The right to refuse will end after 14 days from the date when you or a third party purchases the goods, with the exception of the carrier and the person you indicated, received the goods in possession.
- In order to use the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (for example, by mail or e-mail) SIA "TehEksperts", address Krasta iela 89, Riga, LV-1019, phone number +442 045770771, email address using the sample.
- In order for the term of the right to refuse to be respected, it is enough if you send your notice of the use of the right to cancel before the end of the term of the right to cancel.
- If you withdraw from the contract, we will refund all payments received from you, in turn transport costs (excluding additional costs that arose as a result of choosing a delivery method), without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 days from the date when we were informed about your decision to withdraw from the contract.
- During the use of the right of withdrawal, you can use the product for as long as necessary to check the product (just as you can do before purchasing the product in a regular store, for example, for laptop computers, familiarize yourself with the appearance of the computer, size, but not manipulations, including activation of a pre-installed operating system, mobile phones - without removing protective films, including without inserting a SIM card and making calls, without synchronizing data, etc.).
- You are responsible for maintaining the quality and safety of the goods during the period of implementation of the right to refuse.
- You must reimburse the costs associated with reducing the cost of the goods, if the goods were used for other purposes, not to familiarize themselves with the features and operation of the goods, which can be confirmed by the diagnosis of the goods in the manufacturer's authorized service center.
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