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Teeninduskeskused | (bm.market)

Kõigile veebipoes www.bm.market müüdavatele kaupadele antakse kaheaastane garantii, nagu on sätestatud tarbija õiguste kaitse seaduse artiklis 27.


Juriidilistele isikutele ja füüsilisest isikust ettevõtjatele on garantii 1 aasta ning 14-päevane taganemisõigus neile ei kehti!


Tarbija õiguste kaitse seaduse artikli 28 lõike 6 kohaselt, kui kauba lepingule mittevastavus on ebaoluline ja see ei saa oluliselt mõjutada ostja võimalusi kaupa kasutada, ei saa ostja nõuda müüjalt lepingu tühistamist ja raha tagastamist. Toote mittevastavus lepingutingimustele loetakse väheoluliseks, kui see ei vähenda oluliselt toote põhifunktsioonide kvaliteeti või toimimist ja seda saab parandada, ilma et toote välimust visuaalselt muudetaks.


Toote nõuetele mittevastavuse kaebuste esitamisel veebipoes www.bm.market tuleb ostjal esitada ostutšekk, arve või liisinguleping, samuti toimetada toode (täiskomplektis) veebipoodi www.bm.market või volitatud teenindusse.


Enne arvutiseadmete või mobiilseadmete üleandmist peab ostja ise tagama, et arvutiseadmes või mobiilseadmes olevad andmed säilitatakse, kopeerides need, kuna müügijärgne teenindus võib andmed jäädavalt kustutada. Veebipood www.bm.market ega selle volitatud teenindus ei vastuta salvestatud andmete eest.


Garantiiremont ei hõlma toote masinate puhastamist. Sellist teenust võib osutada ainult lisatasu eest.


Tootega kaasas olevad tarvikud - patareid, akud, ühenduskaablid, tolmukollektorid, harjad, lambid, kaitsmed ja muud toote kulumaterjalid, mille kasutamine nende kasutamise tõttu amortiseerub - on garantii alt väljas või piiratud.


Toote (leping) halva kvaliteedi korral on ostjal vastavalt tarbija õiguste kaitse seaduse § 28 lõikele 1 õigus kahe aasta jooksul alates toote ostmisest taotleda veebipoest www.bm.market. järgmistest:


1) kõrvaldama kauba lepingutingimustele mittevastavuse;

2) vahetage toode sellise vastu, mis tagaks lepingutingimuste täitmise;

3) alandada vastavalt kauba hinda;

4) tühistada leping ja tagastada ostjale kauba eest makstud summa.


Esiteks on ostjal õigus nõuda veebipoelt www.bm.market tasuta, et heastada toote lepingutingimustele mittevastavus või asendada toode tasuta sellisega, mis tagaks lepingutingimuste täitmise, välja arvatud juhul, kui see on võimatu või ebaproportsionaalne.


Tarbijakaitseseaduse § 28 lõike 3 kohaselt loetakse toote nõuetele mittevastavuse kõrvaldamine või vahetamine ebaproportsionaalseks, kui see põhjustab müüjale kulusid, mis on ebaproportsionaalsed võrreldes teise tarbijakaitse seaduse § 28 lõikes 1 nimetatud alternatiivse meetmega,


1) kauba väärtus ilma nõuetele mittevastavuseta;

2) mittevastavuse olulisus;

3) kas alternatiivse õiguskaitsevahendi kasutamine põhjustab tarbijale olulisi ebamugavusi.


Tarbija õiguste kaitse seaduse § 28 lõike 1 kohane garantii ei ole võimalik järgmistel juhtudel:

tootel on mehaanilisi kahjustusi, mis on põhjustatud ostja või kolmandate isikute süül;
leitakse, et esemel olev tootja garantiitõkend on avatud, seerianumber on vigane, toode on kasutustingimustele (juhendile) vastupidiselt täielikult või osaliselt avatud (volitamata sisenemine) ja / või ostja ise (või kolmandad isikud) on üritanud eseme kahjustamist vältida;
toode on kahjustatud loodusõnnetuste, näiteks välk, tulekahju, üleujutus jms;
tootel on kahjustusi, mis on põhjustatud võõrkehade, näiteks vedelike, putukate jne tungimisest;
tootel on sellised kahjustused, mis on põhjustatud halva kvaliteediga vee kasutamisest (suurenenud kaltsiumi, kloori, rooste või liiva olemasolu);
tootel on defekte, mis on põhjustatud kokkupuutest kemikaalidega;
tootel on kahjustusi, mis on põhjustatud ebastabiilsest või kahjustatud toiteallikast, ebapiisavatest sidekaabli parameetritest, aga ka muudest olmeteguritest (mustus, suits, tolm, niiskus jne);
toote kahjustused olid tingitud asjaolust, et toodet ei kasutatud vastavalt kasutusjuhendile, ei järgitud kauba ladustamise ega transportimise reegleid, samuti kui toodet ei paigaldatud vastavalt juhistele;
toode oli kahjustatud, kuna toodet ei kasutatud otsenetel eesmärkidel või kasutati ametialastel eesmärkidel;
on kasutatud mittestandardseid toiteallikaid, tarvikuid või varuosi (sh kassetid, toonerid jne), mida tootja ei ole vastava tootega sertifitseerinud ja mis on nende toodetega kahjustanud;
kasutati piraat- või sobimatut tarkvara (arvuti riistvara või mobiiltelefone);


1. You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 (fourteen) days without mentioning the reason for returning the goods.
2. The right of withdrawal will expire after 14 days from the day on which you or a third party other than the carrier designated by you has acquired possession of the goods.
3. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us, SIA "TehEksperts", legal address Krasta iela 89, Rīga, LV-1019, telephone number: 27725222, e-mail address: info@bm.lv, about the decision to withdraw from this contract.
Consequences of refusal:
5. If you cancel this contract, we will refund to you all payments received from you, excluding delivery costs and additional costs incurred because you have chosen a delivery method other than the delivery method offered by us, no later than 14 days from the date on which we were informed of your decision to withdraw from this contract.
6. You must deliver the goods to the bm.market store at Krasta Street 89, Riga, without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 days from the day you notified us of your decision to withdraw from this contract. Please note that SIA TehEksperts has the right to record possible visual damage of the goods, as well as the contents of the package, at the time of acceptance of goods sent by express mail. In cases where, when sending the goods to SIA TehEksperts warehouse using courier, SIA TehEksperts detects damage to the goods or non-compliance of the goods with the visual condition and assembly at the time of receiving the goods, you will be informed and a copy of the statement of findings will be sent to you. We recommend delivering the goods in person, in Riga, Krasta Street 89. When returning the goods by courier, the person in charge of bm.market will call the courier, at the time of refund, you will be charged the amount for the courier's call, the amount depends on the location in the territory of Latvia.
7. You will be responsible for the direct costs associated with returning the goods.
8. You are responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods, if the goods are used for other purposes than to establish the nature, characteristics and operation of these goods.
9. During the period of exercising the right of withdrawal, you have the right to use the product as far as it is necessary to check the nature, properties and operation of the product. (to the same extent as it could be done before purchasing the product in a regular store, for example, visually familiarize yourself with the product's appearance, size, but without performing any manipulations, including without tearing off the protective film. By using the right of refusal, you are responsible for using the product beyond the nature of the product , intended for the purpose of testing properties and performance.You are responsible for using the product during the right of withdrawal period that is incompatible with the principle of good faith, as well as for the reduction of the product's value, quality and safety.
Ltd. "TehEksperts" asks consumers to use the product as much as it is necessary to check the nature, properties and operation of the product, for example, to use the product as much as it could be done before buying the product in a regular store, for example, to familiarize yourself visually and check the dimensions, but please do not do any manipulations, including not tearing off protective films, not damaging or throwing away the original packaging and its accessories.
10. You are responsible for maintaining the quality and safety of the product during the period of exercise of the right of withdrawal.
11. Except for the cases specified in clause 12 of these regulations, you can use the right of withdrawal and unilaterally withdraw from the contract within 14 days, covering:
11.1. expenses for product delivery, which is not the standard delivery method offered by SIA "TehEksperts";
11.2. the direct costs of returning the product, except for cases where SIA "TehEksperts" has agreed to cover these costs or has not informed you that you have to cover the costs;
11.3. decrease in the value of the product, if the product is used for a purpose other than to clarify the nature, characteristics and operation of the product. You are not responsible for the decrease in the value of the product, if SIA "TehEksperts" has not informed you about the right of withdrawal in accordance with the procedures specified in the regulatory acts regulating the protection of consumer rights;


The consumer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal:

12. In the cases specified in Clause 22 of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 255 of May 20, 2014 "Regulations on distance contracts", including if:
• the price of the product depends on the fluctuations of the financial market, which the seller cannot control and which may occur during the right of withdrawal;
• the goods are made according to the instructions of the consumer or are clearly personalized;
• the product perishes quickly or expires soon;
• the product, due to its characteristics, will irreversibly mix with other things after delivery;
13. The bm.market online store does not store copies of the purchase contract.
14. In order to correct input errors made during the order, please contact us by phone (27725222) or send an e-mail: info@bm.lv.
15. You can fill out the purchase application in Latvian.

16. The images of the products displayed in the bm.market online store may differ slightly from the offered product. In order to specify or specify the characteristics of the product or to eliminate confusion related to its ordering, please contact bm.market by e-mail: info@bm.lv, tel. 27725222 to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings.
17. SIA "TehEksperts" informs that, upon ascertaining the loss of the value of the returned goods, it will apply to the court with a claim for the compensation of losses caused by SIA "TehEksperts", which occurred as a result of the consumer's actions.

18. Please submit a complaint about the availability or quality of goods electronically by sending to the following electronic mail address - info@bm.lv or please submit a complaint in writing to the following address: Riga, Krasta iela 89, LV-1019
The complaint will be considered within 14 days from the date of receipt of the complaint, with a reply sent to the contact address indicated in the complaint.