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Orangemonkie Foldio 360 Smart turntable
Toote nr: 490452

The Foldio360 from Orangemonkie is a handy solution for making and exporting 360 degrees photos and videos. You can contrl the Foldio360 with an app on your smartphone or with the infrared function of your DSLR camera. This offers new possibilities to capture an object in a fast, easy and fun way. To achieve a equal white background, you can place the Foldio360 in a photo tent. (not included) On the backside of the Foldio360 you can find a 5700K Halo Edge LED light, which makes sure there is a seamless transition between the turntable and the background of the photo tent.

Features Foldio360:

Smartphone 360 object

You can download the Foldio360 app on your iPhone or Android smartphone. The Foldio360 connects automatically with your smartphone, you even don't have to open the Bluetooth settings. You can place your smartphone on a tripod and now you are ready to make your first 360 object. With the app you can control the turning speed (1x, 2x, 3x), turning direction, brightness of the Halo Edge, brightness of the camera shot, white balance and the number of captures. (24, 36, or 48) When you press the shutter button, the Foldio360 will turn around and make a picture in the selected number of steps.


Smartphone video

Next to 360 objects, the Foldio360 can also make a fluid 360 video. In the app you can change quick and easy between the different capture modes, which works very good in practice. When you capture a 360 video, the turning speed (1x, 2x, 3x), turning direction, brightness of the Halo Edge, brightness of the camera shot and white balance are also adjustable. You can even choose if the Foldio360 makes one turn or will turn non-stop.


It's aso possible to use the Foldio360 with you DSLR-camera. This option works with cameras from Canon, Nikon, Pentax and Sony. (Infrared function required) With the app you can select how much shots you need. Your DSLR-camera and the Foldio360 will work perfectly together.



When you want a completely custom control about the 360 photos and videos, it's possible to only control the turntable from the app. You select the turning direction and turning speed with the app and capture the photos or video yourself.

Exporting 360 objects

From the app you can export 360 objects, to use them in an interactive way on your website and webshop. Videos are also suitable to export from the app, so you can edit them with your favourite editing software.

Kogumass (kg) 1

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The Foldio360 from Orangemonkie is a handy solution for making and exporting 360 degrees photos and videos. You can contrl the Foldio360 with an app on your smartphone or with the infrared function of your DSLR camera. This offers new possibilities to capture an object in a fast, easy and fun way. To achieve a equal white background, you can place the Foldio360 in a photo tent. (not included) On the backside of the Foldio360 you can find a 5700K Halo Edge LED light, which makes sure there is a seamless transition between the turntable and the background of the photo tent.

Features Foldio360:

Smartphone 360 object

You can download the Foldio360 app on your iPhone or Android smartphone. The Foldio360 connects automatically with your smartphone, you even don't have to open the Bluetooth settings. You can place your smartphone on a tripod and now you are ready to make your first 360 object. With the app you can control the turning speed (1x, 2x, 3x), turning direction, brightness of the Halo Edge, brightness of the camera shot, white balance and the number of captures. (24, 36, or 48) When you press the shutter button, the Foldio360 will turn around and make a picture in the selected number of steps.


Smartphone video

Next to 360 objects, the Foldio360 can also make a fluid 360 video. In the app you can change quick and easy between the different capture modes, which works very good in practice. When you capture a 360 video, the turning speed (1x, 2x, 3x), turning direction, brightness of the Halo Edge, brightness of the camera shot and white balance are also adjustable. You can even choose if the Foldio360 makes one turn or will turn non-stop.


It's aso possible to use the Foldio360 with you DSLR-camera. This option works with cameras from Canon, Nikon, Pentax and Sony. (Infrared function required) With the app you can select how much shots you need. Your DSLR-camera and the Foldio360 will work perfectly together.



When you want a completely custom control about the 360 photos and videos, it's possible to only control the turntable from the app. You select the turning direction and turning speed with the app and capture the photos or video yourself.

Exporting 360 objects

From the app you can export 360 objects, to use them in an interactive way on your website and webshop. Videos are also suitable to export from the app, so you can edit them with your favourite editing software.

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