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Võrdle toodet
Aqara smart bulb LED T2 E27 75W CCT
Toote nr: 480524
  • Smart LED bulb with E27 socket
  • Thread, Zigbee and Bluetooth
  • Tunable whites
  • Adjustable lightning for comfort
  • Power off memory support
  • Automations with Aqara and third-party devices
  • Exclusive features of Aqara Home
  • An Aqara Hub is required

Aqara LED Bulb T2 Features dual Zigbee and Thread connectivity, tunable whites, circadian sync, power memory, and advanced automation. Available in RGBCCT/CCT. Perfect for Aqara Home and Apple Home integration.

Dual Connectivity with Thread and Zigbee
The Aqara LED Bulb T2 offers versatile dual-protocol support, seamlessly bridging Zigbee and Thread to accommodate diverse smart home setups. In Zigbee mode, users can access exclusive Aqara features and Matter compatibility via an Aqara hub. Thread mode allows direct integration with Matter-enabled ecosystems such as Apple Home, Google Home, and Alexa, providing robust, low-latency connectivity without the need for an additional hub.

Variety of Options to Suit Every Need
Available in four types—E26 RGBCCT, E26 CCT, GU10 RGBCCT, and GU10 CCT—the T2 caters to different lighting fixtures and preferences. Whether you need vibrant colors for dynamic ambiance or tunable whites for versatile lighting scenarios, the T2 has you covered.

Ultra-Wide Tunable Whites and 16 Million Colors
Delivering superior illumination with up to 1100lm (GU10: 450lm), the T2 offers a broad spectrum of shades. Choose from radiant whites with an extensive color temperature range of 2000-9000K or vibrant colors with 16 million options and a high Color Rendering Index (Ra>90), transforming any space to match your mood or occasion.

Circadian Lighting Syncs with Nature
Fully compatible with Apple HomeKit Adaptive Lighting, the T2 automatically adjusts its color temperature throughout the day. This feature optimizes lighting for comfort and ambiance, aligning seamlessly with natural daylight changes to promote well-being and productivity.

Power Off Memory Support
Configure the bulb to automatically turn on or off after a power outage, preventing unexpected lighting disturbances and ensuring your home remains comfortable and secure. This feature is available in both Zigbee and Thread modes.

Exclusive Aqara Home Features
  • Transition Settings & Dimming Curve: Customize light transitions and illumination control for precise lighting adjustments.
  • Dynamic and Static Effects: Create personalized ambiances with rich dynamic and static lighting effects.
  • MARS Technology: Ensure smart lights remain always online, preventing connectivity loss and ensuring reliable control with Aqara switches.
  • Energy Efficiency: With an idle consumption of just 0.4W, the T2 promotes sustainable energy use without compromising performance.

Kogumass (kg) 1

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  • Smart LED bulb with E27 socket
  • Thread, Zigbee and Bluetooth
  • Tunable whites
  • Adjustable lightning for comfort
  • Power off memory support
  • Automations with Aqara and third-party devices
  • Exclusive features of Aqara Home
  • An Aqara Hub is required

Aqara LED Bulb T2 Features dual Zigbee and Thread connectivity, tunable whites, circadian sync, power memory, and advanced automation. Available in RGBCCT/CCT. Perfect for Aqara Home and Apple Home integration.

Dual Connectivity with Thread and Zigbee
The Aqara LED Bulb T2 offers versatile dual-protocol support, seamlessly bridging Zigbee and Thread to accommodate diverse smart home setups. In Zigbee mode, users can access exclusive Aqara features and Matter compatibility via an Aqara hub. Thread mode allows direct integration with Matter-enabled ecosystems such as Apple Home, Google Home, and Alexa, providing robust, low-latency connectivity without the need for an additional hub.

Variety of Options to Suit Every Need
Available in four types—E26 RGBCCT, E26 CCT, GU10 RGBCCT, and GU10 CCT—the T2 caters to different lighting fixtures and preferences. Whether you need vibrant colors for dynamic ambiance or tunable whites for versatile lighting scenarios, the T2 has you covered.

Ultra-Wide Tunable Whites and 16 Million Colors
Delivering superior illumination with up to 1100lm (GU10: 450lm), the T2 offers a broad spectrum of shades. Choose from radiant whites with an extensive color temperature range of 2000-9000K or vibrant colors with 16 million options and a high Color Rendering Index (Ra>90), transforming any space to match your mood or occasion.

Circadian Lighting Syncs with Nature
Fully compatible with Apple HomeKit Adaptive Lighting, the T2 automatically adjusts its color temperature throughout the day. This feature optimizes lighting for comfort and ambiance, aligning seamlessly with natural daylight changes to promote well-being and productivity.

Power Off Memory Support
Configure the bulb to automatically turn on or off after a power outage, preventing unexpected lighting disturbances and ensuring your home remains comfortable and secure. This feature is available in both Zigbee and Thread modes.

Exclusive Aqara Home Features
  • Transition Settings & Dimming Curve: Customize light transitions and illumination control for precise lighting adjustments.
  • Dynamic and Static Effects: Create personalized ambiances with rich dynamic and static lighting effects.
  • MARS Technology: Ensure smart lights remain always online, preventing connectivity loss and ensuring reliable control with Aqara switches.
  • Energy Efficiency: With an idle consumption of just 0.4W, the T2 promotes sustainable energy use without compromising performance.
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