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Võrdle toodet
Aqara Light Switch H2 Double
Toote nr: 480523
  • Thread/Zigbee support:Light Switch H2 supports Matter over Thread for third-party ecosystems and Zigbee for Aqara Home.
  • 2in1 neutral: Light Switch H2 supports both no-neutral and neutral wiring, simplifying installation while adding advanced features for neutral setups.
  • Convert to wireless switch: top button(s) can be set as a standard light switch or converted into a wireless switch, unlocking more advanced and versatile scenes and automations.
  • Wireless switch mode offers two options: Single-Press Mode for faster automation and Multi-Function Mode for expanded customization options.
  • 55 mm frame support: H2 fits stantard System 55 frames, supporting third-party multi-gan frames like Gira and Merten, ensuring EU compatibility.
  • Overheat and overload protection: the switch auto-disconnects to prevent overheating or overloading, protectiong the circuit and devices for enhanced safety.
  • Power consuption monitoring: with neutral wiring enables power monitoring and reports, while no-neutral users can manually input values for efficient power management.
  • MARS Tech addresses compatibility issues between smart switches and lights, ensuring adaptable performance across various setups.

H2 module design can fit into all commonly used 55 switch modular system (55 × 55 mm). It also supports third-party multi-gang frames, such as Gira System 55 and Merten M, offering you flexibility and ease of use. The 55 mm frame size widely accepted and used ensures compatibility with existing infrastructure and productsm reducing the need for custom fittings or adjustments.

Compatible with frames such as:
  • Gira E2
  • Schneider Merten M
  • Schneider Atlas Design
  • Kopp Athenis
  • Busch-balance SI

Easily convert to a wireless switch
Converting the H2 to a wireless switch allows the device to remain connected to the circuit at all times, enabling scene based automations and smart controls more effectively.

Wireless Switch Mode enables seamless automation
Wireless Switch mode offers enhanced flexibility for automating the lower button(s), allowing users to select between two options.
  1. Single-Press mode: ideal for quick, single-press automations, for a rapid response. Double-press and long-press actions are treated as single presses.
  2. Multi-Function mode: provides more versatility by enabling single, double, and long-press automation setups, offering a wider range of control options.

Seamless Thread/Zigbee support
Light Switch H2 supports Matter over Thread* for third-party ecosystems and Zigbee** for Aqara Home, unlocking advanced switch features such as MARS Tech and LED indicator settings. Users can choose Thread for third-party use or Zigbee for Aqara integration.
*To use the device with a particular Matter ecosystem, a Matter Controller of this ecosystem and a Thread Border Router are required.
**Aqara Zigbee hub required.

Versatile 2in1 design
Light Switch H2 supports both no-neutral and neutral wiring, simplifying installation. Neutral setups gain advanced features like overload protection, power monitoring, and indicator light settings, enhancing functionality.

Kogumass (kg) 1

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  • Thread/Zigbee support:Light Switch H2 supports Matter over Thread for third-party ecosystems and Zigbee for Aqara Home.
  • 2in1 neutral: Light Switch H2 supports both no-neutral and neutral wiring, simplifying installation while adding advanced features for neutral setups.
  • Convert to wireless switch: top button(s) can be set as a standard light switch or converted into a wireless switch, unlocking more advanced and versatile scenes and automations.
  • Wireless switch mode offers two options: Single-Press Mode for faster automation and Multi-Function Mode for expanded customization options.
  • 55 mm frame support: H2 fits stantard System 55 frames, supporting third-party multi-gan frames like Gira and Merten, ensuring EU compatibility.
  • Overheat and overload protection: the switch auto-disconnects to prevent overheating or overloading, protectiong the circuit and devices for enhanced safety.
  • Power consuption monitoring: with neutral wiring enables power monitoring and reports, while no-neutral users can manually input values for efficient power management.
  • MARS Tech addresses compatibility issues between smart switches and lights, ensuring adaptable performance across various setups.

H2 module design can fit into all commonly used 55 switch modular system (55 × 55 mm). It also supports third-party multi-gang frames, such as Gira System 55 and Merten M, offering you flexibility and ease of use. The 55 mm frame size widely accepted and used ensures compatibility with existing infrastructure and productsm reducing the need for custom fittings or adjustments.

Compatible with frames such as:
  • Gira E2
  • Schneider Merten M
  • Schneider Atlas Design
  • Kopp Athenis
  • Busch-balance SI

Easily convert to a wireless switch
Converting the H2 to a wireless switch allows the device to remain connected to the circuit at all times, enabling scene based automations and smart controls more effectively.

Wireless Switch Mode enables seamless automation
Wireless Switch mode offers enhanced flexibility for automating the lower button(s), allowing users to select between two options.
  1. Single-Press mode: ideal for quick, single-press automations, for a rapid response. Double-press and long-press actions are treated as single presses.
  2. Multi-Function mode: provides more versatility by enabling single, double, and long-press automation setups, offering a wider range of control options.

Seamless Thread/Zigbee support
Light Switch H2 supports Matter over Thread* for third-party ecosystems and Zigbee** for Aqara Home, unlocking advanced switch features such as MARS Tech and LED indicator settings. Users can choose Thread for third-party use or Zigbee for Aqara integration.
*To use the device with a particular Matter ecosystem, a Matter Controller of this ecosystem and a Thread Border Router are required.
**Aqara Zigbee hub required.

Versatile 2in1 design
Light Switch H2 supports both no-neutral and neutral wiring, simplifying installation. Neutral setups gain advanced features like overload protection, power monitoring, and indicator light settings, enhancing functionality.
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